On day 34, we made the neighbors jealous again, this time with tilapia grilled with our Grapevine & Cedar Blend.
We prepared the tilapia in our usual way -- marinated in the refrigerator overnight in salt, pepper, olive oil and garlic ("spog"). And then we just grilled it in our Grapevine & Cedar blend for grills. (We also have a Grapevine & Cedar blend for smokers.)
Here you can see the tilapia on the grill and the Grapevine & Cedar blend smoke wafting up from the packet and infusing the tilapia with all those delicious flavors. (Note: We always grill with the lid ON to capture all that flavorful smoke. We're just lifting if off here to show you.)
Chef's Tip: Make sure you lightly brush your fish and your grill with olive oil before grilling. This will ensure that they don't stick.
To find out more about the Wine'd Up in Smoke blend used in this recipe: