DAY 7: Lamb chops smoked in our Grapevine & Rosemary blend

DAY 7: Lamb chops smoked in our Grapevine & Rosemary blend

For Day 7, we made lamb chops smoked in our Grapevine & Rosemary Blend.  

To prepare them, we followed our usual easy two-step process:

  1. marinate the chops in salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil overnight in the refrigerator (or at least a few hours). This is all we usually do to prepare anything we are grilling or smoking. Our Wine'd Up in Smoke blends take it from there and add tremendous flavor!
  2. smoke or grill the chops using Wine'd Up in Smoke's Grapevine & Rosemary blend. (For details: Rosemary blend for grills  or  Rosemary blend for smokers)

Chef's Tip
: Lamb chops taste best when served medium-rare, with a seared exterior and pink, juicy interior. 

The resulting chops were tremendously flavorful and tasted delicious served with grilled yellow zucchini and a pasta & vegetable salad.


To find out more about the Wine'd Up in Smoke blend used in this recipe:

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